Whether you have a large collection or are just now discovering daylilies, you are welcome to join MCDS!

MCDS Membership:

$10.00 per individual per year
$15.00 per household (two adults in same household) per year

Benefits of MCDS Membership:

Enjoy meeting others who share your enthusiasm for daylilies — our members answer questions, often trade plants, and share their expertise and experiences growing daylilies.

Socialize with other gardeners, commercial growers, and hybridizers at MCDS meetings, special events, and activities.

Participate in member plant auctions and plant drawings. Educational opportunities through workshops and training clinics.

Share the beauty of your own flowers at the annual daylily show at Franklin Park Conservatory. Your flower may win a ribbon or even be selected as Best of Show!

To join MCDS, complete and mail the membership form to Nancy Turner at MCDS Membership Secretary. Upon receipt of your completed form and annual membership dues, you will be sent a new member packet.

MCDS is a nonprofit organization, founded for educational purposes for central Ohio. MCDS was incorporated in the State of Ohio on May 2, 2007.